yoga retreat camper van

Wellness Tour Center

1149 Reviews

Member since Oct 28, 2022
  • Address: zuhurat apt, no:26, darire: 5, BAKIRKÖY, Turkey


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yoga retreat camper van
Le studio est splendide, spacieux, confortable et niché dans un quartier très agréable d'Athènes où il est possible de faire de belles balades et de profiter de la plage. Carmen Hellman est une professeure extraordinaire dotée d'un savoir-faire et d'un savoir-être impressionnants, tout comme son mari Dietmar. Je recommande vivement à tous ceux qui recherchent une formation de qualité de choisir cet endroit exceptionnel en compagnie de ces personnes d'exception.
yoga retreat camper van
Le studio est magnifique, vaste, douillet et situé dans un quartier très agréable d'Athènes, offrant la possibilité de se promener et d'aller à la plage. Carmen Hellman est une professeure excellente qui possède un savoir-faire et un savoir-être remarquables, tout comme son mari Dietmar. Je recommande vivement à tous ceux qui souhaitent suivre une formation de grande qualité de choisir ce lieu exceptionnel en compagnie de ces personnes exceptionnelles.
yoga retreat camper van
I selected this school because it offers the flexibility to start whenever you want and maintains a small group of students. You can begin teaching promptly, even assisting Carmen's clients, which is a unique feature in a TTC. Additionally, if you feel unprepared, remember that you are ready, and Carmen, Dietmar, and your fellow students will provide support. What I found appealing about this course is the program's adaptability. There is some flexibility in the schedule and classes, allowing for proper assimilation of knowledge and relaxation. It gives you the opportunity to open up and grow at your own pace. Although the training remains intense and transformative, it differs from the rigid 7 am - 9 pm programs. However, no training can ever be flawless. Someone once mentioned that we always receive exactly what we need. If your intuition urges you to choose this path, trust it and seize the opportunity. Eventually, everything will fall into place, even after the training concludes.
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yoga retreat camper van
I opted for this school primarily because of its flexibility in starting dates and the close-knit student community. Teaching begins promptly, even with Carmen's clients, which is a rarity in other TTCs. Moreover, if you doubt your readiness, rest assured that you are prepared and will receive support from Carmen, Dietmar, and your fellow students. One aspect I truly appreciated about this course is the lack of a rigid program structure. There is some leeway in the schedule and classes, allowing for processing time and the opportunity to rejuvenate. This flexibility ensures gradual growth and deepening of your practice. Although the training remains intense and transformative, it deviates from the fixed 7 am - 9 pm programs. However, perfection in training is elusive. As someone once said, we always receive what we truly need. If your instinct leads you here, trust it and embrace this journey. Everything will eventually align, even beyond the training period.
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yoga retreat camper van
The school I selected stands out due to its flexible start dates and the small student group. You can commence teaching promptly, even assisting Carmen's clients. This unique aspect is hard to find elsewhere in a TTC. Moreover, if you feel unprepared, remember that you are ready, and you will receive support from Carmen, Dietmar, and your peers. What appealed to me about this course is the adaptable program structure and classes. It grants you ample time to assimilate information and rest your body, enabling further growth. Although it remains intense and transformative, it differs from the rigid 7 am - 9 pm programs. However, I acknowledge that no training can be flawless. Someone once said that we always receive precisely what we need. If your intuition urges you to join, trust it and pursue this opportunity. Everything will eventually fall into place, even after the training concludes.
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