Yoga and diving retreat in Costa del Sol

Wellness Tour Center

1149 Reviews

Member since Oct 28, 2022
  • Address: zuhurat apt, no:26, darire: 5, BAKIRKÖY, Turkey


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Yoga and diving retreat in Costa del Sol
If you're looking for a genuine and profound experience in Ibiza, away from the DJ-worshiping clubs, this is the place to be. While it takes a day to adjust to the no-frills environment and remote location, once you open yourself to the change, you go through a complete transformation with the help of beautiful mountain and water views, a peaceful atmosphere, and of course, Aron's magical guidance. He ensures that your experience is complete, no matter what you come to seek - yoga, relaxation, food, beaches, hikes, or dance. He is a walking encyclopedia of not only Ibiza and its local masters but all types of spiritual practices and is happy to share his wealth of knowledge with his guests. Just ask, and you will dive deep into spiritual conversations about the forces that run this world. Aron's yoga classes are taught on his beautiful terrace in small intimate groups right after sunrise, allowing for a truly personalized experience. The remote location of his place is perfect for exploring more rustic local beaches and the more low-key northern part of the island. My friend and I returned truly transformed after just four days and can't wait to come back! However, it's worth noting that the location ideally requires a car, especially if you wish to explore the beautiful area.
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Yoga and diving retreat in Costa del Sol
The house is situated in a stunning pine forest, so the scent of pine is always in the air. The sea view from the terrace is breathtaking, and around 7 am, you can watch the gorgeous sunrises. I loved practicing yoga while looking at that view. The breakfasts were delicious, healthy, and filling. Lastly, Aron was an amazing host, always willing to help. We had a great night at Namaste, which I highly recommend trying. I would definitely come back. However, since I didn't have my own means of transportation, I had to rely on others to get around, even though the location was beautiful.
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Yoga and diving retreat in Costa del Sol
This yoga retreat was the best I've ever been on. Aron was so friendly and made me feel right at home. His breakfast was great, and he is truly an amazing yoga teacher. He took the time to help me correct some of my poses which were causing me injury, and now I feel a big difference when practicing yoga. I experienced deep relaxation like never before, and it was a life-changing experience! I finished the retreat with one of his massages, which I highly recommend. It was one of the best massages I've ever had. I have never felt more relaxed and comfortable than at this retreat, and it was sad to leave, but I felt like a new woman. I will definitely return in the future because I love Ibiza and discovered so much more about the island after this retreat. Highly recommended!
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Yoga and diving retreat in Costa del Sol
Coucou Aron & Toki 💜 Enfin, je prends le temps de partager mes sentiments ici. J'ai vraiment apprécié mon séjour avec Aron et Toki. Leurs énergies si bienveillantes m'ont touché en plein cœur ! Ce sont deux personnes très chaleureuses, accueillantes et disponibles pour répondre à toutes les questions sur Ibiza. L'enseignement d'Aron est précis et maîtrisé, il a su s'adapter aux différents niveaux et nous faire évoluer durant notre temps avec lui. Il a également su faire face aux émotions qui se sont libérées grâce à la pratique du yoga avec beaucoup de délicatesse. Nous nous retrouvions chaque matin pour le lever du soleil avant de commencer la pratique du yoga, et il nous a guidé à travers de merveilleuses méditations. Quels temps sacrés nous avons vécus ! Merci 🫶🏻 J'ai également profité d'un massage prodigué par Toki. Dans ses mains se trouve la puissance de la douceur, avec des produits qu'elle prépare elle-même avec les fleurs de Calendula d'Ibiza. Un soin qui a contribué à ma guérison lors de ma retraite. Merci Toki pour ton touché si respectueux et ton regard dépourvu de jugements 🫶🏻 Je profite également pour parler de sa cuisine, un régal pour nos estomacs et pour nos yeux !! Merci 🫶🏻 Honnêtement, allez-y ! Je vous recommande vivement de vous offrir quelques jours dans leur havre de paix. Vous allez adorer ! Mille bisous dorés à vous, Aron & Toki. Marion des Bois 🧚🏽‍♀️
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Yoga and diving retreat in Costa del Sol
Ich hatte eine wunderbare Auszeit von meinem Alltag! Dank Aron habe ich nun keine Nackenschmerzen mehr und bekam wertvolle Übungen gezeigt, die ich auch leicht in meinen Alltag mit vier Kindern integrieren kann! Ich bin von Herzen dankbar für diese Zeit und auch für Arons Humor, der es mir ermöglichte, manch lange Kriegerposition gut durchzuhalten 😎. Tokis Essen war ein absolutes Highlight und unglaublich lecker!!! Es wurde stets frisch zubereitet und war von ausgezeichneter Qualität 🧡. Ich habe viele neue Erfahrungen und Eindrücke mit nach Hause genommen 🙏. Danke Aron und Toki für diese tolle Zeit!
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